Perry's Corners Farm Store is the location of an old school house....and our farming practices reflect the traditional diversified family farm. We believe the key to a happy, healthy life is in the food we eat. We produce real food from animals raised in their natural environment and vegetables grown in healthy soil.
We started as homesteaders with four acres, a large garden, a few chickens, pigs, and sheep, because we wanted better quality food for our family. We have expanded and now farm an additional 109 acres at our FineLine Farm location.
Our farm is not one enterprise, but many small enterprises that work harmoniously and require the work (physical and mental input) of a multi-generational family. Our vision is to develop an emotionally, economically, environmentally enhancing agricultural enterprise that provides our family and community with real food.
"Real food is fresh, local food grown without toxic chemicals and processed without harmful chemicals. But it's more than just what you put in your mouth...Real Food is the link between your food and four key elements: health, joy, justice and nature."
- Wayne Roberts, Real Food for Change
We raise a Canadian heritage breed of cows called Lynch Linebacks. They are the descendants of the cattle that the English settlers brought to Canada and began breeding to suit our climate. They are hardy cows and excellent foragers. Their smaller size is perfect for our small farm and your freezer.
Our small flock of sheep is growing each year. The sheep have their lambs in the early spring and they grow quickly, rotating though the pasture all summer. We have bred for genetic hardiness and parasite resistance so that we can raise happy healthy lambs without the use of drugs and chemicals.
Forget everything you think you know about pork. The pork produced on our farm is nothing like what is in the grocery store. Our heritage breeds have a well marbled, darker and more flavourful meat. They are raised outdoors, get lots of exercise and eat a varied natural diet and a ration of organic oats, barley and milk from our Lineback cows. NON-GMO and corn and soy free!
The meat birds on our farm are raised in shelters we moved along the pasture so that the chickens have fresh grass each day. They get fresh air, natural sun light and the shelters keep them safe from predators and protect them from the elements. Theyeat what nature has to offer and a ration of non-GMO grains.
+1 (519) 897 - 2605
© Copyright Perry's Corners Farm